Next week is Study Abroad Student Week in which there will be many fun activities (like Calligraphy, Ghibli Film Screenings, Origami, International food in the cafeteria, and Speeches on Friday). I thought it would be a neat experience, so I signed up to give a speech on the Friday of Study Abroad Week! I've been working on it almost all semester, but have not yet truly memorized it. Thankfully, it's around three minutes and I have a detailed Power Point. The day we had to pick a theme was kind of rushed so I picked something that I was consistently learning about and in which my interest was piquing: the history of manga. I'll do my best!
Today, when I came home to a delicious dinner of gyouza and fresh vegetables, my host family surprised me with a case with a built-in inkpad for my personal seal!
I was so surprised! And blue is my favorite color and I love fish and it's perfect! (Of course, the ink is red just like all other seal inks, but the case is blue on the outside!)
Yesterday night, I went on a little free adventure of attending the kickboxing club! It was within walking distance and I went with some friends. Unfortunately, the teacher was an hour late so we did not do kicks, but we did learn punches. It felt great! At first, I was nervous, but I quickly got into the rhythm with everyone else and then, when we were punching pads, I felt amazing. Everyone was cheering each other on too, which helped. Then, at the end, some of the students did a speed round with the teacher in which he circles around the room with you and tells you quickly what moves you have to do - and I did it! It was so much fun! I think I'm going to try again; it released stress and uplifted my spirits.
On top of that, I'm really getting the hang of the songs I've been learning on guitar and bass. I've been practicing while listening to the song and I can actually keep up. It's such a nice feeling.
I have to start studying and doing more homework again - the peace after midterms has come to a close. However, I am still trying to plan trips for my remaining time here. This weekend. I'll be trying to go to Ise Jingu with some friends (practically the most important shrine complex in Japan and the resting place of Amaterasu - head of the Shinto pantheon).
If anyone was interested, here are some things I've found at convenience stores lately (wonderful places they are):

Very interesting day...Study Abroad Week sounds like it will be fun..I'm sure your history of manga speech with power points will be great. Wow..beautiful ink pad gift from your host parents love the fish and the colors. Kickboxing sounds so fun...good job trying new things! Have fun planning your trips! Love you. Grandma